How to Have a Healthy Work-Life Balance

As most of us settle back to regular work after the holidays it is important not to let work stress begin to build up again.

Remember the feeling of relaxation over the holidays? While it might seem like a distant memory, be conscious of planning adequate rest and recovery into your working week to avoid feeling mentally, physically and emotionally drained.

It is possible to create that work-life balance that tips in your favour by creating space in your week to stay stress-free and happy.

What is a healthy work-life balance anyway?

Work-life balance can take on a different meaning from person-to-person and doesn’t necessarily mean that they are equal on the two sides of the scale. Sometimes the scale will tip heavier in one direction from time to time, and that’s okay. What is important is to keep a healthy perspective on both. Keep in mind what your goals are, what is important to you and why.

Take time to stand back and take a wider view. When we narrow our focus too strongly on one area of our life we can forget that in order to feel good we need to have a work-life balance that feels harmonious.

What does a healthy work-life balance look like?

  • Waking up feeling rested, recovered and ready for the new day ahead.
  • Having adequate time to eat nourishing foods that energise the body.
  • Having time during the week for enjoyable physical activities and hobbies.
  • Not worrying about work when you’re away from work.
  • Meeting deadlines at work and still having time for socialising with others.
  • Having flexible working hours so you can manage your personal life.

What does a poor work-life balance look like?

  • Constant tiredness and poor sleep.
  • Feeling overwhelmed, worried, anxious, irritable or moody often.
  • Having no time for self-care, hobbies or socialising.
  • Struggling to focus at work or home.
  • Procrastination or avoidance of important tasks or activities.
  • Finding little joy with activities that would usually be enjoyable for you.

5 Things You Can Do To Create Work-Life Balance

Here are 5 things you can do to create a lifestyle that complements your work-life rather than compete with it:

  1. Allow your work to inspire you. If you’re becoming more and more unhappy at work, re-assess your situation. Can you find a role that is more aligned with your strengths and values? If not, can you look at your role in a different light? How could you make it inspiring and meaningful to you?
  2. Set boundaries. This one can feel like a struggle, but setting boundaries is important if you want to strike a better balance. Limit time on your work computer/phone/work apps after hours. When away on holidays, disconnect where you can.
  3. Focus on your health and wellness. Making time for movement, quality sleep, nourishing meals and water will do wonders with helping your body function at its best. Social relationships are also very important for helping us de-stress and feel connected.
  4. Work on your time management. Is your calendar packed with back-to-back meetings? Review your diary and assess what can be cut out, and where you can schedule “me” time in. See where you might be able to make better use of travel time by switching from driving into work to public transport.
  5. Prioritise what is important. Spending time with the ones we love is usually the recharge our souls need after a hard day or week. Be sure to make time for them whenever possible and soak up the feel good vibes.

Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need to quit your job or make drastic life changes, but do consider what you want from work. Perhaps it’s as simple as starting a dialogue with your employer about how you’re feeling and see what options come up. You might be surprised.

Looking for more help to create healthy work-life balance? Explore the diverse range of FeelGood programs and start prioritising your health and wellbeing today – or reach out if you prefer to have a chat!


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