to help individuals and families break out of the struggle cycle and feel good in their every day!

Hi there, fellow human! I'm Denise.

I’m the Head FeelGood Health Coach with over 25 years' experience working with people just like you as a parenting and personalised health coach, nurse and personal trainer.


Today I'm a health coach for those who are ready and willing to break free of the struggle (and enjoy life!). I have been where you are, I can assure you.

I remember the days when I was stuck in the frustration of just getting through each day. I wanted to feel connected to my beautiful family and my life. I wanted to feel like I was doing a good job and that I was being seen and heard too. But as time went on, the harder it was to do life AND feel great.

I realise now I was living my life through a lens that needing updating. It’s tough to see things differently when you are wearing the wrong glasses! 

I realised if things were going to change, and I was going to continue to get older feeling energised, vibrant, healthy and happy, I needed to change.


In true Denise style, I set out on a mission of discovery.

Through much researching, I came across a ground-breaking approach to health with over 20 years of research behind it. It went beyond all the books I’d read and even what I had learned in my nursing training. When I discovered they also had a body of research around epigenetics and personalising health I immediately knew I had to study it.

That's how I created my Personalised Health Programs which became the basis of my FeelGood coaching.

Personalised Health meets Personalised Coaching

Personalised health draws on 15 different sciences including:

  • Genetics (your preset coded instruction manual)
  • Epigenetics (the impact of the environment on your code)
  • Neuroscience (brain chemistry)
  • Endocrinology (hormones)
  • Positive Psychology (healthy behaviour change)

and more!

It sees each person as having their own unique needs and preferences based on their biology. Instead of drawing on the same strategies with each individual, this approach starts with a thorough non-invasive assessment of your genetics, hormones and neurochemistry to provide you with your phenotype (or healthtype). 

With this as a guide I was able to park all the standard cookie-cutter ‘one-size-fits-all’ methods and follow what was essentially a manual for each of my clients. I began to see everyone through the lens of personalisation. 

Since following this approach, I've seen dramatic improvements in my health and the health of my family

My son’s arthritis has markedly improved and so has my energy and my relationship with my kids

All together we have became a happier, healthier and more cohesive unit.  There are still days when things can go pear shaped but we can get back on track so much quicker knowing what needs and preferences we each have. 

Just the other day my 19 year old son (who happens to be studied psychology) said to me that he feels I really understand him and then gave me a high 5. It was a great moment!

This personanlised approach has made such an impact on my life, it's now my vocation. It has helped me understand others on a completely different and deeper level.

Find out more about the FeelGood Programs

Why me?

I have both the foundational health knowledge from nursing, personal training, nutrition, mindset and health coaching combined with the skills and assessment tools of personalised parenting.

This means you and your child will get support to understand and maximise

  • Nutrition
  • Movement and exercise
  • Mindset
  • Inherent strengths 
  • Home environment
  • Positive behaviour

Most of all, what makes me stand out is my own experience of being where you are. I’ve been in the daily life wrestle and I’m here to help with clear and non-judgemental guidance so you can love being a parent.

My qualifications

So you know you're in good hands!

Bachelor of Nursing (Deakin University)

Certificate of Neonatal Intensive Care (Latrobe University)

Bachelor of Science (University of Melbourne)

Nutrition Coach Certification (Precision Nutrition) 

Thinking Into Results Training (Proctor Gallagher Institute)

Lead The Field Training (Proctor Gallagher Institute)

Certificate 3 & 4 Fitness (Fitness Australia Registered)

Endorsed Personalised Parenting Facilitator (Precision Health Alliance)

Endorsed Epigenetic Health Coach (Precision Health Alliance)

Trauma Informed Coaching (The Centre for Healing)

A few more things you might want to know

I absolutely love what I do. To me this work is personal, it’s my purpose, it’s real and it’s life changing. I really care about the individuals and families I work with.

I love seeing the transformation that this work has on the previous misunderstandings and frustrations over the years as they melt away. I’m blown away when an individual starts to feel validated and understands why they are the way they are. And I’m most excited when I see family members start to really listen to each other and accept the special gifts that make each one of us unique.

I do this work because I’ve seen a huge shift in my relationship with myself and my family, as well as the interactions I have with everyone that I meet and I can’t wait to others what’s possible for them too.

I could bet that life is very busy for you so all my programs and classes are direct and to the point to deliver what you need.

Yes, I have a wealth of knowledge I will share with you, but I also know that you are the experts of your own life and your family's life. My role is to ask the right questions, direct you when needed and support you in using your knowledge to create the life you want. 

Something I also often hear from well meaning individuals on a health journey is that they start a program with the best intentions and then life gets in the way. That’s why I work closely with you one-to-one. That way momentum stays high and you won’t sit there stuck or get distracted. I want you to get your money’s worth and actually see the change you wanted when you signed up!! For me that’s the biggest thrill of all.

I’ve worked with many different individuals over my extensive career in health and wellbeing. Those who are ready and willing to invest time and effort into themselves and their families find the accountability that comes with a coach helps them create change more successfully.

I know that many coaches will say they're the one for you, but it is important that you find the coach that understands who you are and your situation - from your perspective.

Every one is different and can desire different outcomes, so it is important that the strategies are personalised to you to achieve the outcomes you are after. 

I work best with individuals and families who recognise they need a tailored approach to their health and wellbeing and who want a sustainable way of feeling good for the long run. 

Ready to discover the exact formula that optimises your health and wellbeing?

Book a FREE call today.


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